Evolutionary Spirit
Shamanic Energy Healing in the Tradition of the Ancient Inka of Peru
Ñusta Karpay, the Peruvian Rites of the Divine Feminine
On the Interelationship of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine
Video recorded at The 12th International Gathering of the Shamans, Yachats, OR September 2013 by Fire Circle Media
The word Ñusta means Priestess, Queen or Goddess. The seven Ñusta Kuna are Mama Ocllo, Doña Mujia, Mama Simona, Doña Theresa, Maria Sakapona, Huana Waman Tiklla and Thomasa Waman Tiklla. The Ñusta Karpay are the Peruvian Rites of the Goddess or Sacred Feminine. These rites involve the release of heavy energies and the creation of connection with the Divine Feminine. Receiving the rites of these seven Goddesses creates a rainbow path of transformation and healing. Those who walk this rainbow path come into intimate relationship with the energies of the Ñusta Kuna as they discover, awaken, heal and balance those energies within themselves. This then helps them come into direct balance with evergies of the Divine Masculine which brings blance to the world.